Make all supports base 175 HP. They are too strong atm and with less health they cant make the same insane risky plays they currently get away with.


  • Hungry-Put-7892OPB
    10 months ago

    Reading the comments I agree that not all supports deserve a 175 nerf. I think that supports such as zen and mercy should stay at 200, as they dont have much self mitigation.

    However all the other supports have either cc or mobility or invul as well as high damage! nerfing their hp makes it less possible for them to make insanely risky plays and get away with it with a simple tp, jump, fade, bash, etc.

    Also, I dont see the point of having illiari as a support when she’s the only support whos ult doesnt either directly heal, give hp or shield players. She’s literally a dps with a healing turret. Her near 100% pick rate in all matches at OWC should tell you something.