Hi there.

I have fallen in love with the Ultra 1/2.

I do not exercise, mountain climbing, trailing or whatever, so what should I use it for?

The more I think about it, the more I am thinking it could be a waste of money. SO, you who have a watch, what do you use it for, if you are not exercising etc. like me. Are there some hidden useful things I do not know about, that could perhaps persuade me to get one or not?

Also, if I am persuaded to buy one, which model should I choose? 1 or 2?

Thx in advance.

  • iamkhrisB
    11 months ago

    I bought the Ultra because I wanted the larger battery and physical style (compared to the 8 at the time). You don’t have to be a fitness nut to own an Ultra. If you like it and want, it then buy it and do not regret it.

  • M27TNB
    11 months ago

    I like the larger screen and the (slightly) better battery life which at least means I can go away overnight or for a weekend without bothering to take a charger. The Modular Ultra watch face is also the only Apple face I like.

    I do count steps/walks and exercise bike so it has some use in terms of exercise for me.

    On the flip side it’s ugly and I particularly dislike the way they’ve heightened the watch screen by just plonking an extra bit on top of an otherwise normal looking Apple Watch design. I’d like the Ultra 2 more if it didn’t have this plinth looking thing on top of the rounded case.