Jasmine handled him breaking the news that he quit his job so well. I could feel her heartbreak and worry over it. The fact that he later tried to spin it as her being upset because she wants a luxury life style when she very clearly stated her concerns were about bringing her children and sister to the US is just frustrating.

Like who tf quits their job when they know they need to provide for the fiance and kids they’re sponsoring to bring to the US.

  • Ali_Cat222B
    11 months ago

    We have seen jasmine throw fits over small things,I tend to think she already knew he wasn’t going to be working because she handled it almost too well considering her usual reactions.I mean good for her for not reacting like usual, but it’s weird how calm she was.Im trying to rack my brain thinking about where I saw this but I swear some article from one of those US weekly/people type sites had written about how he was let go and not on his own accord.I get that you’d want to make sure your partner acclimated to the area,but he knows exactly what type of lifestyle she likes.So overall it would make zero sense for him to have done that