With the exception of one Orianna game…

I’ve been playing since Season 3 climbing from the DEPTHS of bronze. This year I peaked at Grandmaster for the first time and we finally hit my goal yesterday. Some of you might know me as the streamer/content creator “lol_sol” https://www.twitch.tv/lol_sol where I’ve documented my climb. I was also a HARD one trick of the old Aurelion Sol, but I only peaked Master. Ask me anything! <3

OPGG: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Space%20Excalibur

  • Magehunter_SkassiB
    10 months ago

    What do you think of Riot having featured Aurelion Sol foot fetish porn on their official website’s gallery? I think it was kind of zased… if they forced people to look at Kassadin blueberrification art I would love that even if I don’t care about blueberrification