I work for some companies that need grants from time to time. I write the first draft of grants myself since I don’t want to pay a grant writer $$$ to write a first draft. My boss did that before and the result wasn’t great. To be fair it was a very niche part of a very niche field and I don’t blame the grant writer for misunderstanding things.

With AI nowadays you can automate writing, but I can’t just dump my files into the AI and say “write a grant”. I can copy and paste my stuff in, but the AI always ends up writing some garbage that is waaaay to short to be considered a grant. So I wrote a python program that automated talking back and forth with the AI and it produces pretty good results IMO. All I have to do is drag and drop my files in, copy and paste the funding organization’s criteria, and boom a nice grant comes out.

Is it worth it to turn my program into a full fledged business (add payments, get rid of bugs, do TONS of testing n stuff, host it, add a database, etc etc etc)? There’s competitor AI grant websites but they still make you do tons of work and don’t automate the whole first draft (at least that I’ve seen). I know there is a market for grant writing but not sure if people would be interested in this exact thing. Oh and BTW it would only do first drafts (the most time consuming part in my experience), there’s no way I could make this thing be so perfect it spits out a final draft.