Scrub here, I want to preface this by saying that in SA region I find myself having to report at least 2/3 people every game (many times ppl on the other team). Intentional feeding, item breaking, hoarding wards and neutral items, racist slurs, etc. etc. However this situation never improves and I don’t understand why I have to play with these idiots if I’ve always had top behavior score.

Last night I was playing ranked roles, I get offlane. I choose weaver, I know, controversial. But I thought it fit the game and honestly I was bored of playing the typical tanky heroes as I’ve been doing for weeks.

The guy playing sup 4, decided that weaver offlane was such a bad pick that he had to play lina offlane and steal farm, body block me when being attacked, etc. Dude before the game began decided on that, also hoarded all wards, clarities and mangoes, annoying our sup 5. I don’t engage in comms until this becomes really frustrating.

I try to get whatever farm I can on the lane/jungle and ask people to report this idiot. Now, 2 other people on our team side with pos 4 and start calling me a whole lot of things on voice chat for picking weaver. The moment I speak Spanish instead of Portuguese, they go into racial shit about peruvians (I’m not even peruvian).

While this is happening they’re also complaining that I have not enough impact on the game because I miss XP and items, around min 15. (I know, they were supportive of pos 4 not playing their role, 10 IQ logic). I text-reply to these comments by kindly asking for them to choke on my balls and look for games on their own servers.

I get a message saying that I’ve been muted because my behavior score dropped below 6K (mind I’ve always been 12k and 10k before that).

Now I’m on 6k behavior score because some idiots that are not even respecting their role and that also abusing comms reported me. Even if the pick was horrible (which wasn’t, I actually ended up with top NW and the only one doing something useful), this is not acceptable.

Fucking done with this game.

See you tomorrow