Hello everyone, I frequent a local pool hall that dispute the sometimes unbearable service, remains to always bring in a small crowd on any given week night and very busy on weekend. I have always wanted to start some kind of small side hustle and for along time have just been sitting and watching but never actioning any idea I had. Until recently I thought of the opportunity to place coin operated gum-ball machines in each of the 4 bathrooms. In a venue where a major percentage of their business is done in quarters and on some night 75% of their patrons are on some kind of date, I believe this could be a profitable venture.

For reference, I am 23 year old MBA student with really 0 experience in starting businesses outside of the classroom, but ever class I’ve been too, every YouTube video, every book has said to sit and watch and wait for the opportunity to present itself. For those with any experience in this area, how does this idea sound? Are there things I am not considering? What is a reasonable lease for 4 machines? Any other feedback and brutal honesty would be appreciated. Very glad to be apart of the this community and looking forwarded to learning more.