It’s ok to be wrong. There is a time a place to admit it and fix it. Even Reddit can be right twice a day.
It’s ok to have some confidence or even ego. Reddit(mostly invested/serious players from NA/EU) is indeed not whole player base. But it’s not ok to be overly condescending.
It’s ok to call out bad takes and poke fun with Karthus poetry. But it’s not ok to resort to virulence and malice.
In the end. I hope Phreak and Riot in general don’t stop communicating because doing it puts them under flame when they’re making changes people don’t like. I hope they keep having the thick skin that most other game devs don’t have. Transparency the willingness to learn and correct wrong changes is the dream. A silent Riot that just does whatever without telling the playerbase why would not be flamed as much, but it would also be much worse off for the game and its community.
I hope that he is doing fine. I totally disagree with his comment in the clip but I can do it in a normal way.
The way reddit makes fun of him and pulls him through the mud is crazy. He is still a human being. If I would get such a treatment I would likely kill myself, because my brain can’t handle it.
I do feel bad about it already and there is no hate towards me but him.
Unironically a you/him Issue.
If you voluntarely join a Field that you know gets a lot of Shit (which is every single Field on Planet Earth) and then get surprised that you got Shit then it’s a you Problem and you gotta find a new Job.
Good thing in my RL such a place doesn’t exist. In my work I get supported and everyone trusts me and when I make a mistake or have a bad view we can talk about it in a constructive way. Seems not every place on earth is like that. Most places I know aren’t like that.