I will get down voted to obvilion but I don’t care this need to be said. I think one of most overblown narrative in nba history is MJ stopped certain hall of famer to become nba champion … call me bronsexual or whatever this narrative is not as good as you think it is. The intent is to prove the ridiculousness of this narrative and not to trash them as competition in fact it’s pretty damn elite but MJ wasn’t end all be all of there career.

Let’s bring the name that are brought up one by one :-

Portland Trailblazers with Clyde :- Often bring up as a 7 to 8 man deep team which they where don’t get it twisted but what if I told you that they went to NBA finals before 92 yup they went to nba finals in 1990 and face bad boys pistons and got sweeped by them what if I told you they lost to Showtime Lakers without Kareem in 1991 WCF and in first 3 games magic shot 35% from field. MJ wasn’t only reason why they lost loool they have many opportunities whether be against Rockets and Jazz they somehow lose.

Knicks by patrick ewing :- this one deserve a Ken burns documentary … no 92 and 93 wasn’t the Knicks best chance heck if Ewing was healthy in game 7 in 92 semi finals maybe a miracle would have happened who fucking knows . Let me take you to place where you don’t want to go rest of the 94 they all lost to extremely tight 7 games against Rockets and game 6 literally come down to wire had Hakeem not blocked Stark shot Ewing would be champion ; Now let’s go to place where Knicks fan don’t want to go 95 ECSF against Pacers where Ewing shit on his pants against Rik Smith FUCKING RIK SMITH OUTPLAYED HIM IN SEVERAL GAME. Also don’t get it twisted there window wasn’t closed no no no no … even after Ewing declining they where actually contender in 98 to 00 but they lose to Pacers in both year.

Suns by Charles Barkley :- I am getting tired so I will keep it short have 2-0 lead and fucking 3-1 lead against Rockets still somehow lost like against MJ those guys didn’t have any hope Bulls get 3-0 lead in 93 finals. Suns where arguably better team then Rockets and they still somehow lost.

Seattle Supersonics with Gary Payton :- You can hate me down vote me they are one of the most sorriest choker I ever saw … Ya all remember that they where in 96 finals what you don’t remember is Nate McMillan one of there key defender was hurt and barely played oh and they where historic underdogs … you know they where favourite on 94 they where first seed and favourite to win it all before playoffs and Nate McMillan this time is healthy and then they lose to a 8th seed Nuggets … and they where back again in 95 and this time lost to fucking 95 Lakers with Eddie Jones. They where back again in 97 with the squad and they for there entire history owned Hakeem Olajuwon rockets but somehow lost to Rockets and they where old and regressings.

Pacers :- Bulls Pacers meet one time but again that wasn’t there only opportunity they lost in close game 7 in 94 and 95 ECF. Everyone remember them losing to Bulls in 7 close games what they don’t remember is them shitting in there pants against Allan Houston and Larry Johnson in next year in 99. What if I told you kids that there contention window didn’t end after 99 they where in finals and lose to Shaq in one game without Kobe ; They lost 7 close game to Sixers what if I told you best team in reggie miller era was in 04 where they won franchise best 60 games and they lost to Detroit on close 6 games in ECF.

Jazz :- Oh dear god this is special one where do I even begin shall I begin with that they where one of favourite in 1989 to get out of west along with Showtime and there best team was in 80s with Malone Eaton and Stockton and they lost to 7th seed Warriors without Tim Hardway or how 10 years later 99 they where favourite again and this time mvp malone choked again against Jailazers. Do I need to remind how GP steal Stockton manhood in 96 WCF.

I think I have made it clear yes MJ stopped those hall of famer they where great teams but those team window and those player career didn’t just end with MJ they where also stopped by Rik Smith ; Alan Houston ; Eddie Jones ; Chris Mullins it just didn’t sound sexy.

Though airsexual I would say those late 80s cavs where nice ass team whose only window was around time MJ existed and where better team then Bulls he stopped them for sure … but i don’t think they would have beated bad boys.

  • BeavshakB
    11 months ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, he still beat all of those teams, right?