What are you hoping to get in return? A player like Alex Caruso? Multiple players to make up what Caruso does? Draft picks that can hopefully turn into a Caruso? WE ALREADY HAVE A CARUSO AND AT A GREAT PRICE. And y’all keep wanting to give him up. Honestly what is the logic?

And please don’t let it be “hE dEsErVeS tO bE oN a CoNtEnDiNg TeAm”. That’s the most losing attitude answer possible and doesn’t make any sense. We’re supposed to be the contenders. Did you forget which team you’re a fan of? Cherry on top: the guy already has a ring. And his prowess lately only promotes his legacy in that regard. Showing how much of in impact towards winning he influences when he’s on a team.

You trade away diminishing assets, not assets that are clearly increasing in value and for THE SAME PRICE. He’s literally the best thing going on this team and the same group that whines about the Bulls not buckling down on player development are the first to whine about trading everyone away.

  • volantredxB
    11 months ago

    A lot of people here want to sell off all out good players for trash and kids in middle school because the idea of making trades to retool a roster isn’t sexy for ESPN’s “rings or rebuild” that a lot of online sports fans buy into.

    What, objectively, is so wrong about building into a solid playoff team? Do you guys get paid by Jerry of the team wins a title? Are Bulls going to mail you a ring? If not who gives a fuck. The goal shouldn’t be a title. The goal should be to provide 82 entertaining games a year with the playoffs being a bonus. If that’s not the goal why even have a regular season? Just contract the league to four teams and have them play the conference finals and have the wins go for the title. Apparently everything else is meaningless.