We know who AD is. Yes, he is inconsistent. However, last season it was pretty clear that he overtook Bron as our #1 (this was looking to be the case before Bron’s foot iniury).

Yet AD being our best player does not imply that he has to be our primary offensive engine. That remains Bron’s role, but luckily Bron did his part offensively tonight.

We disrespect Bron and AD too damn much. I will always give them the benefit of doubt (Bron is old and more injury-prone now, AD is our Defensive anchor and even more injury-prone).

I think more fingers need to be pointed at AR, Rui, and DLo. They don’t have the same excuses that Bron and AD do. They are not old or our defensive anchors. Therefore, efficient offense is a MUST from them (or at least 2/3 of them) every game.

Our fanbase disrespects Bron and AD too damn much because they didn’t watch or have forgotten the 2020 Bubble Ring. Everyone was touting our “depth”. So I want to see that “depth” help out Bron and AD more, since they already have the world on their shoulders.