To the all the fans attending the Browns game this week, this is a huge game, it’s time to prove who the best defence is the league is definitively and take this division in a choke hold. What’s extra special is this is a chance to help the Ravens do it. Not only can crowd noise make a huge difference in this game, but we are also playing against a weak sniveling coward bitch of a qb.

This is Watson’s first time playing at the Bank as a Brown, and since he did what he did to those women, and I for one am not fucking over it. It’s time to give him a warm fucking welcome. Please give me a “No Means No” chant so loud that I can hear it through the TV. We have seen how much this affects this dickhead, he gets unnerved by it, and I think this is one of the biggest chances for a crowd to effect a game in the history of this team. He will get rattled, he is weak minded and emotional, let’s remind him of that.

Get out there and get loud as hell, let’s give this defence all the juice we can to kick the shit out of this predator fuck.

Sincerely, this Canadian fan who wishes he could be there yelling at the top of his lungs as well (and hopefully everyone else too).