My laptop shipped with an up to date bios of 3.03 and I’ve followed the steps to get on the OEM kernel.

I followed the guide for updating the fingerprint firmware, but can’t get the device to be detected.

I think its because when I check fwupdmgr --version, the version for org.freedesktop.fwupd isn’t changing from 1.7.9 to something older than 1.8.8 like the instructions say.

I am new to Linux so I may be doing something wrong, but was hoping someone had some ideas!

  • KarrfisB
    10 months ago

    my fingerprint reader was being funky on linux to the point where fwupdmgr was just timing out
    i wiped the drive, installed windows did the bios and firmware updates then nuked windows and reinstalled linux
    sometimes the easy way is the better than sitting in a terminal reading documentation all evening way
    (fedora 38)