I am a lifelong New Yorker and life long Knicks fan.

The NBA took a very political stance about events on October 7th. I was extremely disappointed by this though I am definitely not surprised. Many will say in response that Sports is an apolitical entity (supposedly). A place where we are insulated from the outside world in a sense, so don’t come and talk political on a sports sub. Yet the NBA stance was swift and clear. They took a political position. They made it political when no one asked them to. Therefore I feel justified in posting this in an NBA related forum.

The assault that has been perpetrated against Gaza and that has been shown to us via video has been beyond horrendous to watch. Truth and falsehood has never been clearer. Media bias has never been more apparent. A conflict going back decades. Yet nba players and the nba have remained completely silent about that. Ironically only kyrie said something in support of the Palestinians. No one else has spoken except lebron who of course voiced support for i*rael.

In short, I am done watching the NBA unless they retract this position. I know you will all tell me to fck off and I will get banned but it is one forum to reach nba fans. I also don’t care. And I’ve already been banned from r/nba. This is the easiest conflict in recent memory to determine who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed. I call on all of you to protest the NBA openly, silently, in whatever way in solidarity with the oppressed dehumanized and debilitated Palestinian people. If you support iseal you’re supporting genocide, apartheid, and all the bad things. If you’re gonna call Hmas terrorists, you should call the is*eali govt terrorists as well. Be fair.

Thank you. I will miss watching the Knicks. It’s unfortunate since they are actually an exciting team now.

  • Top-Lettuce3956B
    11 months ago

    I’m sorry you feel you need to stop watching sports because of politics. But the NBA has been political for a while. It’s just now political in a way with which you disagree.

    For example, many are troubled by the actions of China, for example, but the NBA’s business relationships affect what it is willing to say or do.

    It has been very supportive of BLM, which is certainly wading into politics.

    Clearly, this is personal for you. But I would encourage you to try to separate the statements of the NBA from the joy you derive from watching your favorite team.

    If you can’t, I wish you well.

    • SimpatheticNSOPB
      11 months ago

      I made mention about sports being apolitical because they didn’t have to say anything. But they did. You’re right it’s absolutely personal which I acknowledge