Just a venting post here, but also looking for some support as well. If anyone else has been through this, please let me know.

Small law firm owner here. I employ 1 FT Paralegal and 1 PT legal assistant. I really love my team. We also have a contract Paralegal. She is technically a contractor, but we treat her as part of our team.

The way it works now, is that I give her a portion the retainer for each case she works on. She makes her own hours and own work structure - which she has the right to do as a contractor.

She’s a great worker and awesome person.

The problem is that now, I really need another FT Paralegal. It made sense to have a contractor at the point we started working together, but now we have grown.

I approached her about this and asked her if she would be interested in working full time. I told her that I could give her Fridays off, paid time off etc… I know that this is not what she wants (being an employee) but I figured I’d at least give her the option - before taking away the consistent contract work I have been giving her.

I told her the needs of the business has changed and that I need another FT paralegal, it makes sense to me business wise. I can work with her to make the role compatible for her life. I told her I love working with her but understand that she may want to seek contract work elsewhere - since I can no longer accommodate her needs. I even offered to slowly transition in the new FT employee, so that I won’t stop giving her work cold turkey.

To this, she told me that I am “blindsiding her”. She told me that I lied to her, that I said that she would not be an employee. I told her that the business needs had changed and I am simply offering her a job in case she wanted it - she does not need to take it. She then told me her husband bought a car and that I am putting her in bad financial situation. Later on in the week, she cancelled on a client meeting last minute. I know this was to punish me. She also mentioned that “do I think she makes too much money as a contractor” and that I am trying to get her to “work for cheaper”. I was honest about this and said that is part of it. It made sense to have someone working on contract because I never knew when the work was coming. Now things have changed.

I know that she is a contractor, I know I don’t owe her anything. I know I have to make the hard decision to stop giving her work. It’s just super hard.

I hate this part of being a business owner, any advice would be appreciated.