Yesterday I made a post and got some great advice, some mediocre advice and some really bad advice, Oh I also got spammed a few times, I may even have had a scammer or two put their oar in.

What I learned is the following;

My website looks dated, but no one pointed me at one that was good so I could study it.
A few picked up an error on one of the sites which I am busy fixing, to do with mobile, I also picked up an error that embarrasses me checking on the recordings of how others viewed my site, also repairable.

I was told to upskill but if they had even looked at the site they would have seen all my upskilling certifications. What I know is that I am old enough to admit I don’t know everything, I am not too old to learn and boy did I learn some great stuff.

I was told to read a book by Alex Hormozi, Holy shit that resonated with me in a big way. Thanks to the guys that recommended it. I am going to read it again and again. It’s farking awesome that he was able to put some of my thoughts into words that clarified them, and added to my thought processes in a big way.

I will admit I am more of a techie Guy than a designer, My dated website is a knockoff of a 2023 theme recommended by designers on blogs that I read, My design process is simple I look for something I like and use it as a guideline.

When I build a site for a client, we go looking for themes and ideas that they like and we go from there. CSS and HTML are not rockit signs, PHP is a little more complex. My front end may be crappy as some may think, My backend though is lean as fuck. My entire code for creating the html pages for the site is smaller than one WordPress page.

I also found out that using html extensions is wrong, but here is the thing I use yhat html extension in my htaccess file to create structure.

Lets get to the elephant in the room, Too much text. I can tell you that less than 30% of people will read it all, and less than 50% will go beyond halfway, the equivalent of about 3 screens is what most people will read, but none of that matters, The websites that get the best results have lots of text, In fact a minimum of 1000 words is recommended by SEO gurus, Who am I to argue?

My current testing will give me data to make changes, My post yesterday was to get information, and I got some good stuff, thanks to all those that contributed and added value to the conversation.

For those that are interested and not blinded by shiny shit, read this page and maybe my processes will become clearer.

Thanks for the education, I appreciate it.