The idea popped into my mind in order to spread awareness of my product that I might join a gym and wear some very basic t-shirts with my brand name and slogan on it. I have an attractive appearance but I am not a hunk type. I figured if I show up there regularly with my shirts on that I might get some people looking my way and searching Amazon for my product.

Has anyone tried this? What times did you frequent the gym to have the best chance at exposure? I DREAD EXERCISING MASSIVELY… I usually just go here at the apartment and get done quickly… How often do you think I should go? I don’t have a lot of time…

  • Wise_Cut_2543OPB
    10 months ago

    Go to Amazon USA and look up speedpad s45(it’s the white notepad)… Look at the second pic, that’s the info I’m thinking about putting on a shirt somehow…