Having kids means less money for frivolous purchases like expensive headphones. I can still dream I guess. All of these are tried and tested brands, and the majority of those are new. The Grado’s ($25) and the m50xbt ($45) are second hand and I reckon pretty good scores. Headband has come off the rodblock on the Grado’s, so a bit of liquid nails sorted that out. Just need to get an overpriced wall wart for a magni2 I got for $40, and I’m set.

  • WhitemischiefsOPB
    10 months ago

    Love the sound of them all, for various reasons. The ksc75s are used the most, due to their ability to allow my work colleagues or family to get my attention when listening. I prefer them to the porta pros, but stil give them a run at the office. However once I get new pads for the Grado’s, I suspect they’ll be given a thrashing.