I currently have 10x SATA 2.5" SSDs RAID-6 on the front plane, caddy 0 to 9. However I would like to move this to 10~19. So, here are the questions.

I’m using H740P HW RAID.

  1. Can I just power off and plug & put those SSDs?
  2. Do I have to preserve the order? (like 0 => 10, 1 => 11, … 9 => 19)

Of course, even if this works, I already have a backup and the storage ain’t that important. It’s just a ton of steam games and I don’t want to re-download it.

Searched for Dell’s manuals for R740 and R730, but couldn’t find any of the “moving HDD/SSDs in a same machine”

Thanks in advance!