Last year, Ham had a problem where he would have several changes in the lineup throughout a game which would result in no consistency. This year, I thought the lineups would be more solidified since we have better players. Last night, we must’ve had at least 12 different lineups throughout the game. I don’t know why an NBA coach doesn’t understand that you can’t build chemistry if you’re consistently playing with different guys. I know it’s only game 1 of the season, but I am pissed at the lackluster attempt last night, and unfortunately, I feel like Ham has a lot to blame for.

  • JaNotFineInTheWestB
    11 months ago

    They didn’t do the 2020 approach to Jokic. AD shouldn’t be guarding him. Another big should’ve guard him. AD 0 points on the 2nd half because he is guarding the best player on the court. Ham put the same effort as the WCF which didn’t do us good. I think it is pretty obvious that AD is not our best player to defend Jokic. They should put a body on Jokic like what they did on him during the 2020 WCF. WE HAVE 2 BIGS THAT CAN PUT BODY ON HIM. UTILIZE THEM!