Personally I think Disruptor’s shard is garbage.

  • chshcatB
    10 个月前

    I have no idea why people think Disruptor shard is bad. It’s 50% more damage and duration, 100% more cast range, and you can hit people in fog and invis with it. Because it reaches farther and the vision duration is longer, it enables you to get Glimpses you would not otherwise get. The reason you don’t buy it is simply that you need other items more, most notably aghs, on top of other support items. But if you get it from tormentor it’s pretty good, not amazing by any means but not anywhere close to being bad.

    I’d say DK, Tinker, Mirana are all pretty underwhelming. Clinkz doesnt get much use the way he is usually played. KotL is really hard to get value from since it requires you to be in ult to be used. Spectre is honestly pretty bad, it gets ok if you have the 25 talent. The LD bear shard is also pretty bad, haven’t seen it picked up once.