I reconnected to a competitive match after disconnecting. Almost won the match but lost in overtime. Now I received a lost, and a abandoned game after reconnecting to the match.

The abandoned game based on SR gain and loss from OW1 amounts to 5 losses. It also includes the lost I got from the match. So all in all, if I didn’t reconnect to the match I would’ve only gotten an abandoned game and no loss. Also, I want to mention that I still got suspended from queueing into another match after that game ended.

I just want to point out that based on the logic set by the Overwatch developers, if you don’t rejoin the match that you left you could avoid a loss. You will still get the abandoned game on record no matter the situation. So better off to not rejoin a match that’s probably lost if you disconnect from a match.

Now obviously, it would be better and helpful for the rest of your team for you to reconnect. But based on Blizzard’s logic your punished for rejoining the match if your likely to lose it.

Good job Blizzard.

  • _hiatusB
    10 months ago

    Why does everyone just want to leave when matches get tough. lol so annoying. And then when you decide to hop back in and now ur team is behind it’s somehow their fault? Just stick thru the difficult match, ur not gonna get better by avoiding them. But to address your loss & abandoned game theory, you’re still gonna get the abandoned game penalty because you left sure you came back but your team was down a player for the whole time u we’re gone so everyone else suffered so yea ur gonna get penalized.

    On the contrary, would if you reconnect and win by some miracle. This has happened to me before, but we likely did not win because of the person that lost. It was the work of the people who played when they were gone that made the difference.

    Ofc this is all different if you only disconnected for like 30-60 seconds. In which case, why even leave in the first place. That’s just bad logic on your behalf, not the game.