I keep seeing people saying things like, “it’s not like the lcd version becomes useless after the OLED” and that’s true. However, there was no real warning in advance that this was coming. In fact, Valve played up how much it wasn’t coming and how satisfied they were with the original deck.

I decided to go with the deck over the ally shortly after the reviews because of steamOS and the ease of use experience, but with the OLED announced now I can’t help but feel like I got played.

Between the OLED, the ally and the original, I now have the device with the worst screen, the loudest fan and as someone who also plays plugged in all the time, the worst performance(as far as power and wifi goes).

They couldn’t have given a heads up to us that a refresh was coming? A tempering of the expectations, saying hey, it’s not a steam deck 2, but stay tuned. If I had known this just a few months ago I would’ve waited or bought the ally.

I’ve always considered myself a valve fanboy and I know technology moves fast, but this feels pretty blatantly anti-consumer, which isn’t typically valves approach.

At the end of the day buyer beware I suppose.

  • MofoProB
    10 months ago

    But there was warning, many sites mentioned Valve is working on a revision it wasn’t exactly a secret. We just weren’t sure what they we’re changing . You not knowing is not Valves fault. If you

    This happens all the time not sure what your complaining about when you chose to buy a SD, there were rumors months back