For me, it has to be the sound of getting fully charged as Zarya. Just makes me kick my feet.
Hearing a junk tire, on the other hand, kicks my flight response into maximum overdrive
“OHHH YEAH!!!” (when youre wall riding as lucio)
Hack sound ruins my vibe
NERF THIS (especially when I don’t know where the bomb is)
Mercys damage boost tick sounds. Makes my brain feel spicy. Junk tire bc I know it’ll come for me and I run and hide in a corner or stand in the open away from my team so it will target me. Also kiris head dink and suzu is so nice.
Mercy boosted soldier hitting a zen discord
It’s quite sad how Blizz reused the sounds heroes make while getting tazed by Winston. But you hear the same with sojourn e thing as well as sombra virus. Mercy makes the best pain voicelines when getting tazed.
Not sound, but I love it when my team has a wrecking ball. His cold dispassionate voice lines in the heat of battle are so different.