(Chat: We heard you got kicked out of AR) I wasn’t kicked out, just to clarify. Lu Yao(Somnus) saying I continued to play is a rumor. I also left, alright? We were very united; Win together, lose together, leave together.

After TI, the boss wanted me to continue playing, but I didn’t really feel like playing anymore. The boss suggested that we could stream and play at the same time, but it felt like just passing the time. Streaming and playing professionally at the same time can lead to not doing well in either. I experienced this in VG; it was exhausting, and I didn’t perform well in either. So it’s either focus on playing professionally or focus on streaming. After some thought, I decided to stream. My heart is more into streaming. The salary for streaming and playing professionally is similar, but I prefer streaming.

Now, I’m semi-retired. I might play in the Oil Cup(Riyadh) if someone invites me(laughs). That’s about it, and most likely I won’t play anymore. I’ll probably just stream every day. As for this TI, it was a pretty good experience. Although the prize money wasn’t that high, playing felt great. It’s different from previous TIs, where the focus was solely on winning the championship. This TI felt more like everyone knew winning the championship was a bit of a stretch, but the feeling of progressing and striving together was really good.

AR’s boss is really good to us. He wanted me to continue playing this year, but after much thought, I declined and decided to focus on streaming. Is AR in ESL? I can’t disclose that, but those Lou and 天命(AR pos 5) are there, that’s all I can say. Mainly last year, I was just playing with the Somnus and Charles, honestly not aiming for the championship, just purely for fun. But after playing this year, I feel a bit unable to keep up. The prize money for fourth place in TI was in the tens of thousands, and I didn’t have a salary last year. VG’s salary hasn’t been paid yet(laughs), so it’s like I only make money from streaming. It feels a bit hard to continue playing. If you want to play in this profession, you have to play seriously in the last year or two. If you play, you can’t consider streaming. But if I consider streaming after playing, the vibe might not be good anymore.

I didn’t get to play in Asian Games, which was really disappointing. The Asian Games participation selection were really unfair. Why is it always DY’s Techies on the opposite side? He’s always playing that stupid hero, and that hero is so strong during the laning phase(joking around).

Lu Yao(Somnus) said you guys were opening 6-4 against Spirit in scrims, is that true or false?(reading chats) It’s actually true, but it felt like they were messing around. We made some sneaky plays and got 3:0 at first, then they started playing seriously with us. Overall, we won one more game. About 6:5. That’s how Spirit is, they scrim with you by playing the laning phase, then observe what you play, probing your secrets. Then they think, ‘Alright, that’s about all they’ve got,’ and then throw a wave and lose."

Source: Fy first time stream after Ti12