Calling it an attack feels like it lessens the meaning of the word for actual attacks. The man got wet.
He was made sticky by vicky.
No, the charge is assault by beating, which sounds like mr farright got kicked or punched, but nope he got soaked by milkshake. I guess that bring the boys to the yard and he won the seat.
I think poor Farage got beat by a paper cup accidentally.
Thomas Bowen told police she did not intend the paper cup to hit Farage.
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Possibly the idea
“She states she did not regret her actions.”
She acknowledges that this was an assault and that the liquid would have gone over the jackets of him and others and caused them to get cleaning, but she states that Nigel would be able to afford this.
I love this because it is entirely true and she is just being honest. Rich people can afford to have their coat cleaned.
She’s such a chad
Give her a medal
Or a Knighthood.
Or more milkshake
Damn right, let’s throw it at Farage.
How’d they figure out who did it?
I feel she should have at least tried the shaggy defence.
Because she admitted it. It also happens to be she’s on OnlyFans! Go figure…
Braver than the troops
Could have been worse, he wasn’t creampied like that anti-gay orange juice lady in the 70s or 80s.
That was satisfying!
Critical support, only because I am vegan!
Lmao imagine having a whole day at court because someone had milkshake thrown over them. What a waste of everyone’s time.
It’s just a damn shame she didn’t have time to freeze it first.
Iconic <3
I miss the days of throwing pies at politicians
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As much as i think Garage is a piece of human garbage that needs to have a date with a guillotine, throwing anything at anyone is a terrible idea. Its a milkshake now, but what if it was acid? What if the target is lacto intolerant and ends up consuming some? Or a nut allerge with a nut drink? These can be very severe.
While i agree that Garage sucks, throwing things at people shouldn’t be a solution.
Throwing things at people is not a solution but guillotine is? I’m not taking sides here, just curious about the thoughts process. Are you arguing that milkshake is not enough?
What if he’d had an allergic reaction on his way to the guillotine? Wouldn’t that be awful?
It’s all well and good guillotining him, but what if the guillotene was sharp? Someone might get a nasty cut!
i would argue that nige should be glad people are civilized enough to only throw beverages at him
He did have a banana thrown at him in Barnsley one time, as well as a milkshake. And another time it was a coffee cup. N Going around with such a punchable face comes with risks.
What if instead of Nigel Farage it was a baby and what if instead of milkshake it was me stomping it to death with my big awesome robot mech suit what then HMM
What if it was uranium 235? What if it was a gun instead of a cup? What if what if what if?
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Death is one thing but making them sticky. Over the line.
What if the target is lacto intolerant and ends up consuming some?
I think you’re overestimating the likelihood of someone consuming a liquid thrown at them, and underestimating how much milkshake a typical lactose-intolerant person would need to consume to get a severe reaction.
You’re right the milkshake could have transmuted into acid in fact I hear that happens all of the time.
What a complete dipshit you are.
Wow you lot are completely missing the point… here let me spell it out for you:
As much as I hate that person, promoting violence, is not the right solution… please learn to read… jeeze
You just called for his execution, how can you follow that up with “promoting violence, is not the right solution”?
Can you read and comprehend?
That’s a pretty dumb thing to ask someone througb the medium of text.
Lmao, no.
Are guillotines a pacifist solution?