Okay so This came to me yesterday when on the bus home from work, what if we took the aspects of OW a 5v5 with characters that have different abilities but combined it with Indie Horror game Five Nights at Freddys.

This most likely will never become a real game and most likely only art would be made out of it. Here’s the only one that is finalised and it’s Freddy Fazbear (FNaF 1)

Freddy Fazbear: Support

HP: 100 Armour: 150

Weapon: Mic Shot:

Right Click: Amped Mic Weapon Type: Projectile Freddy Fires a microphone projectile which deals slight splash damage Ammo count : 15 Dmg per shot: 80

Left Click: Audio Tri-fire Weapon Type: Hitscan Freddy Fires a tri-spread audio wave that briefly slows opponents for 0.5 seconds Ammo Count: 15 Ammo Usage: 3 Per shot Damage per shot: 30

Ability 1: Faz-Sheild: Freddy Deploys a Modified Fazbear plush which projects a curved forward-facing shield that will briefly heal 50 health points to anyone below 30% health for 2 seconds Cool down: 12 Seconds Health Points: 600 Lasts: 20 secondshb The cooldown starts once the ability has been up for 5 seconds

Ability 2: Harmony: Freddy sings into his mic which produces a wonderful melody that heals for 52 per second and lasts for 4 seconds Within a 12 meter radius Cool down: 6 seconds The cooldown starts once the ability has been duration is over

Ultimate: Blackout Freddy launches a Fazbear plush which makes a blackout in a 10 meter radius disabling any movement ability and limiting the opponents vision Teammates inside gain a slight speedboost and slowly gain 10 health per 2 seconds while inside, The Blackout lasts 8 seconds