I don’t think anyone would be able to tell she’s trans. It’s either the extreme plastic surgery or the camera that they’re staring at. She looks better than the average patient on Botched. If she thinks she’s getting copped and outed, it’s because she’s being filmed in public, and in a conservative Soviet country.

It’s obvious that Geno and Jasmine are playing it up for ratings, but Nikki seems legitimately insane. No man will sleep with a woman who acts like a teenage boy and begs for sex every ten seconds. If the catch isn’t satisfying, you don’t want the fish.

They handled Gabe respectfully enough, but TLC’s portrayal of Nikki seems offensive and stereotypical.

  • WashAlternative1791B
    10 months ago

    My whole issue with Nikki isn’t her being trans or her being herself or anything like that whatsoever. It’s the fact that she waited till AFTER having sex multiple times with Justin to tell him “I used to be a man” you can tell how badly that harmed Justin’s inner self. He said he had to spend a time period questioning himself as a man and going through a life crisis lol. She did him dirty. I think had she been upfront from the start he wouldn’t have slept with her and they wouldn’t even be together. He feels morally obligated to stay now because he doesn’t feel very manly. IMO.

  • roll-the-R-MarisaB
    10 months ago

    I think it’s all made up for the show. She seems hellbent on forcing her sexuality and identity on everyone and is unapologetic about it. That seems more important than her relationship with Igor. And it’s definitely more important than having compassion for the people she lied to for years.

    She is mentally ill and that is legitimate. But everything coming out of her mouth and behavior is for the cameras first and for her ego second.

  • mothermurder88B
    10 months ago

    What I can’t get over with this storyline is how Nikki hid the fact that she was born a man, and then laughs it off when she says she told him during an argument. That isn’t funny. Not even a little bit. I keep thinking, how is that not borderline rape? Sure, he consented to having sex with her, but he certainly didn’t consent to having sex with someone who is trans. I think Nikki knew that, and that’s why she hid the truth. That’s predatory AF. The age gap makes it evennn worse.

    I mean, that’s some seriously heavy shit for Igor to have to come to terms with. What if he had had an entire identity crisis after finding out he was tricked into sleeping with a trans woman? People commit suicide for much less than this. And as for Nikki, people have gotten themselves killed over much smaller lies.

    For the record, I have no issue with trans people, but I have a HUGE problem with deceiving people in any context.

    Sorry, I know this doesn’t actually answer your question, I’ve just been so jaw-dropped by this whole storyline, and I had to vent.

  • MTGoodboyB
    10 months ago

    I’m a trans man. I do know that for me specifically, in the beginning I did get a higher libido and I feel like I kept it but it’s not as bad in the beginning. So I’m sure her hormones do something similar to her. But you’d think she’d have it under control being on estrogen (I’m assuming) for 20+ years.

    But I wonder if her wanting to have sex so much is a validation thing? Like “cis straight men want to have sex with me because I am a hot woman.” And it gives her the validation that she is “woman enough.” I know sometimes certain behaviors manifest because of that.

    I do think she’s banana town though. Even if it’s those things, I don’t think it should be this amplified or for her to feel entitled.