I just woke up from a weird dream where the Browns were playing the Ravens. Some of this isn’t going to make sense, but please bear with me because it was a dream and nothing ever makes sense.

The Ravens were up something like 28-24 with 5-6 minutes left. The Browns had just attempted a FG from around the 20 yard line but missed. Somehow we had an extra down to punt it away from the same end of the stadium but swapped end zones. So now we’re backed up on our goal line and had to punt. I can’t quite recall how this happened because my dad had changed the channel at one point to watch a different game. The punt went way short, like 5 yards.

Here’s the part that’s relevant to my post - on the live play it appeared that the Ravens might have touched the ball with the Browns recovering. Dream world thought that with the Browns recovering we would have the ball back inside the 10 with another shot to score an easy TD in the direction we were originally marching (again it was weird). But what happened on replay is that some preteen brat on the Ravens sideline had run onto the field and touched the ball after the Ravens touched it and while the Browns were recovering near the sideline.

So is the play dead as soon as a fan interferes with the ball? Would it go to booth review to determine if the Browns had possession prior to the brat touching it? Or would the refs just call to replay the down?