I’ve noticed some fans of the show claiming that BoJack never changed and at the end of the show he’s right where he started.

Are there any arguments to support this claim?

I asssumed he actually did change but in a very “1 step forward, 5 steps back” kind of way. For example:

1)listening to what Maude actually says, offering her Todd’s dating app and never taking credit to Todd’s face about it…
Season 1 BoJack would not even notice that Maude is an Ace. He would whine and complain about why isn’t she getting him his order faster.When Todd refuses to let BoJack in his party, BoJack doesn’t bring up Maude to make Todd feel like he owes BoJack something - season 3 BoJack would totally do that.

2)cleaning Diane’s appartment. there is no way he’d ever do that in season 1 or 2.

3)Actively suggesting to play with Mr Peanutbutter the MrPeanutbutter’s house in Washington DC. Clearly the only motivation there is the fact that it makes Mr Peanutbutter happy. This is both something that would annoy BoJack before as well as feel “unfair” because he envies Mr PB for being happy most of the show. He admits it multiple times, even to Mr PB’s face.

4)Staying sober entire seson 6 until Hollyhock’s letter.

5)Actively trying to help Jameson and then empathise with her father. Nothing in it for him.

6)Asking the actress on the submarine in s5 if she’s ok bcs she is acting as if she was shivering. No reason to be concerned for her - pure altruism.

7)Saving the baby in Fish Out Of Water.

8)Looking up Hollyhock’s mom and giving her contacts to Hollyhock’s fathers - even though he really hates standing in lines.

The Xerox of a Xerox is a terrible relapse to his old pattern.

The drinking after reading Hollyhock’s letter is a relapse to his addiction.

In the finale, he treats everyone much better than he did pre-season 6.

Todd comments that relapse could happen again - but “you’ll get sober again”.