This is the processes that got us here today, that developed the players we have today

This is the processes that Presti said the team are going to continue having, that the team are going to continue developing our players

This is the process that we mainteined this season, ups and down

and now “fans” are claiming for the head os the coach, for trades to happened

Why do you even watch this team if you dont like the process thay are having?

The team isnt going to change, you either accept that or you will be crying until the end of the season

  • blacksoxingB
    10 months ago

    You know what I hate? Fans who expect fans to be monotonous. I hate that shit. I’m on the Titans sub and it’s the same posts.

    “Hey guys! I feel this way and you should too!!!”

    I hate that shit as it stifles personalities. If someone has a compelling thought or feeling or hot take…LET THEM COOK. Every game should not be “Presti told us to sit down when we pee and I’m finding it feels fine…”

    Fuck, what the hell does OP want this sub to be??? Let folks vent! Just stay the hell out the threads as most of those are painfully obvious that they’re frustration rants.

    Or should mods just make this a damn circlejerk where negativity is banned??? Let me know.