I have a product, it doesn’t really have much competition - other companies are producing indirect alternatives that are either performance-wise very poor, or require much higher technical abilities from the user to be usable. I’ve already tested the market and the product sells well.

So, in light of the above, when you don’t really have any direct competitors, how do you decide on wholesale pricing, both quantity and percentage-wise? I feel like the suppliers I’ve spoken to, who are asking for 40-50% are asking too much (it is affordable, I just feel like it’s not fair really. The product will be priced around $125-175). This is my first venture so please excuse me if it’s an amateur question or if my expectations are way too high.


  • Dismal_Basis7684OPB
    10 months ago

    Well they have a lot more traffic to their site, they also spend a lot more on marketing so they can acquire customers for my product I suppose. Considering my website is relatively new and only gets a few thousand visits a month, do you think it’s worth it?