• shishcat8214OPB
    10 months ago

    Now running Proxmox with some Minecraft servers, several programming projects, telegram bots, VMs for friends, android building, storage and similiar.

    Consuming around 300W in average load (this is Italy, and I pay around 0.29€/kwh), most of the hardware comes for free decommissioned from businessess, or for cheap from charity shops. I exchanged my old Intel Core 3rd gen machines because they only had 2 slots of DDR3 non-ECC RAM and I needed at least 32GB per machine.

    HP Z420:
    CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1620 (8) @ 3.800GHz
    GPU: NVIDIA Quadro 410
    Memory: 15736MiB / 39911MiB

    HP Z800:
    CPU: Intel Xeon X5660 (12) @ 2.794GHz
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 210
    Memory: 11772MiB / 48150MiB



    This is a small closet room inside my bedroom. You can’t really hear the sound from outside, so I set the fans to max power. It’s less than 1.5 meters tall, so it’s really hard working inside. Everything that can be done remotely is done remotely.

    I have a symmetrical 1G/1G fiber connection (29.99€/mo)