Her pylon has been nerfed several times with its health being reduced each update and the cooldown for it greatly increased from 12 to 15 seconds. The gun also feels way worse with the projectile being reduced in size by 50% (almost feels like shooting small kunais, might as well play Kiriko now with her faster suzu cooldown). Is she considered balanced now or is the community in for more nerfs?

  • suguroryujiB
    10 months ago

    I really dont like the pylon nerfs primarily the 15 sec cd is way too harsh making her healing unreliable. Im by no means playing at the top level but in my gold ~ plat or at most diamond people just shoot the turrets damn fast.

    I just dont see myself playing Illari now outside of defense for payload/hybrid maps and more often than not i’ll switch unless your team is significantly better than the other team and you can keep it up for it to be effective.

    I do agree that her primary should be nerfed since it was abit too easy before. I think its fine now could always tweak it abit and lower her damage on non crits slightly to compensate (?) eitherway im happy with her primary for the most part.