Here is a link to a strawpoll if you want to answer the question and it will be up for 3 days:
When I originally asked this question right after the draft the 76ers Fanbase had the #10 highest confidence in their team when compared to all other teams with an average score of 4.45.

To see all the results from the first poll and future ones for yourself feel free to check out this google sheet for yourself :

After free agency I wanted to poll each fanbase again to see if their opinions have changed in association with the rest of the league.

My plan is then to have another poll After the Trade Deadline to continue to see how the fanbases feel about their team and its overall progress!

If you have any questions or suggestions for this project I hope you let me know and I’m looking forward to seeing a nice civil debate in the comments below ;)

Thank you guys for your participation and best of luck to your team and let’s hope for a low injury season for all!