I mean, Cartman was easily the most matured of the group. He completely changed everything about himself. So much so that — when given the chance to kill Kyle and stop the potential of losing the life he built — he risked everything because it was the right thing to do (arguably). He even said that he trusted God to give him his life back. He matured more than anyone — with his childhood friends maintaining their immaturity — and he risked more than anyone to engage in a totally selfless act. And in the end, he was the only one who suffered by losing absolutely everything. I didn’t see it as a “he deserved it” (he was a child - albeit a horrible one - who grew into a great person), and horrible writing? Man, that ending almost had me in tears. Absolutely tragic. It deserves a damned Emmy.

  • CDPR_LiarsB
    10 months ago

    Just Imagine that it’s not Cartman, but Henry Weinstein.

    I’m just comparing, cause both did good and bad thing, but one lost everything and no-one cares. And Cartman did even more, especially to Butters later that episode.

    And it happened cause friendship was saved, so he continued to be an **s to everyone, you shouldn’t feel bad about it. Even after so many years of post-COVID Kyle couldn’t believe Cartman became “good”, cause of everything he did.