I have serious carmittment issues and my newest car (G87) will be the third car I own in the past two years. I had a 330i that I drove for a year before switching to a F87 M2C, which I drove for a year and now sold to get a G87.

I’m hoping that I can finally fix my indecisiveness and impulsive decisions with the G87, but there’s no guaranteeing it.

Now here’s the big question: Should I lease or finance?

I was originally against the idea of a lease since you’d be left with nothing by the end of the three years, but at the same time, with the current trend of my cars, it doesn’t seem far fetched that I’d want to switch down the line. Obviously, it makes sense to finance if you plan on keeping the car long term but what if I were to want to sell after three years? Which choice would help me recoup/save as much funds as possible?

Also, is putting a down payment on a lease a bad idea? I ran the numbers and a down payment doesn’t really seem to affect the total cost of the lease, it still ends up being around 41k after three years. I believe the buyout would be around 38-40k if I remember what my sales guy said when I first brought up the question. Also, M2 leases don’t have any good deals going on and the residual is pretty shitty, so I’m wondering if it’s really as good of an idea that people are saying it is.

I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions. Thanks!