So many bad/missed calls, so many weak sissy techs, too many instances of refs affecting games in a way and to a degree that should not be happening.

Am I right or is it actually similar and comparable to previous seasons?

  • MC-JdfB
    10 months ago

    I mean at some point you have to compare the standards of NBA officiating compared to other sports.

    We have the officiating body in soccer actively writing public apology letters for calls they get wrong. Heck, they even release live audio of the decision making behind controversial calls. Referees actually get demoted and fired in spite of “mistakes”.

    I’m not even saying that the NBA has to all of that. But as currently constructed an NBA referee has way too much power without any consequence. All a referee has to do after making a controversial call is releasing a last 2-minute report, and the farthest they ever get is a pool report answering why they threw out a player in a controversial way.

    Considering the amount of interest different parties have on refereeing especially in light of the recent active promotion of gambling on national TV, it’s kind of jarring actually.