During the start of the NBA season I really considered clippers to be a darkhorse in the running for title contention. I still do believe they can really do wonders if they work together. The answer I can get to is

  1. Point gaurd - Even after the harden trade the clippers run a lot of iso offense where each superstar ends on to take up wildly difficult shots. So better constructed offense would be helpful.
  2. Westbrook and harden - Both of them being considered hof players contributed to winning through different styles of play. Both have their own “System”. Staggering their minutes because of pace with which they play seems like a obvious thing to do. Westbrook and Pg seem like a duo that should looked into while looking at combos. Either harden or Westbrook should start the games. A true defined point gaurd that plays with the starters and another one that utilizes players of the bench.
  3. Harden - Washed up? More so that he is on a decline. The reputation harden had during his prime years are a story of the past. The foul merchant as we claim him to be shooting 10+ freethrows is long gone. He has lost his speed. he is no longer able to create a lot of spacing. Hate his lethargic basketball. Harden is not a off ball shooting gaurd. He is a on ball iso offensive player / passer.
  4. Healthy kawhi and pg - I want nothing else but to see those two on court play basketball. Those two players are so good to watch it’s like seeing something magical. Especially those kawhi jumpers and Paul George threes 🌚🌝 🤣🤣🤣.
  5. Can they just trade normen Powell. Get a real centre instead of zubac. Run better offense. Don’t be iso heavy. I loved this team a lot. But the issues on court are glaring. I hate the harden trade becuase i don’t think he improves kawhi or pg. Especially nothing for russ. He slows the team down. They become passive and stagnant.
  • honestnbafanB
    10 months ago

    Absolutely not

    Even when fully healthy nobody other than Kawhi is scaring anyone at this point and on top of that they also have fit issues that won’t be all that easy to work out

    Like can you really see them beating Denver in a 7 game series for example?

    I personally can’t unless you pretend their players are 5 years younger than they actually are