I just got tickets in section 140 for the 10th and I’m planning on bringing my daughter, she’s only 7 and it’ll just be me and her. Has anyone had experience bringing young kids to games? Is there anything I should prepare to bring for her while we’re there? I’m flying in from SoCal, and I haven’t been back home for a couple years, and haven’t been to a Bears game in even longer.

My biggest worry is she’ll be bored by about hour 2 and want to leave lol. My current plan includes bringing Ear Muffs so it’s not super loud and keeps her ears warm, hand warmers, and a blanket(?). Considering I haven’t been to Soldier Field as an adult, is it possible to bring in (or sneak in) snacks of any kind for her? And is there anything I should worry about safety-wise for her?

Also curious if there’s any times or places we could be there to possibly let her see some players before/after the game. I appreciate any help!

  • BorgBorg10B
    10 months ago

    Some good advice in here. Sounds like a fun trip - hope you have a blast!

  • Bacchus1976B
    10 months ago

    I’d suggest letting her bring her iPad/Switch or whatever device she likes. She will get bored eventually and there isn’t much to do in the concourses (and you want to see the game).

    Pay close attention to the bag policy. She’s entitled to her own bag too, so I’d order a couple of the approved ones ahead of time and plan to load them up with snacks and extra warming gear.

    The logistics getting into the stadium can be a big tricky if your arriving on foot from the Loop or north. It’s a pretty good hump (for a 7 year old) from the Red Line. And then the path through the tunnel and up the concourse is a bit of a bottle neck. So you’ll need to have a game plan. Either arrive early, late or just make sure she’s okay with slow moving crowds.

    Fortunately the team is awful so the crush of people is slightly tamped down. That is a Lions game so I’d expect a LOT of Lions fans at the game with them playing good for the first time in recent memory. They will be excited to gloat.