As a Nugs fan, it seemed odd to me that TC supposedly lost his mind with the Gobert trade (even though your season was full of injuries) and even though he was widely respected for YEARS.

My fear was and is now growing even more every day that TC knew exactly what he was doing. He saw first hand that the Nuggets were the immediate and likely somewhat long-term threat and he built a team to combat them. Fucking smart. I am far from a BB genius or even above average IQ, but how the Suns are applauded for building a team with no solution to Jokic is baffling.

OK, I’ve kissed your teams ass enough. I am not scared. You are. See you after game 7. Also fuck your lakes - not worth the insane amount of mosquitos that come with them in my 2 day experience.

Hope I’m wrong!

  • CantaloupeCamperB
    10 months ago

    Sports fans for you.

    Sometimes just one play and determines a win or loss and fans lose it like it’s all one or another.