I’ve been playing OW since 2017. I’ve always been a support main and while I’ve averaged out to Gold, I’ve bounced between Silver and Plat plenty of times - even once falling to bronze for a bit. I’ve currently climbed back into Plat 4 and something stood out once again.

With plenty of time in all these lower metal ranks, one thing that stands clear to me is that Gold players understand the game better than Plat players.

Plat players are really bad at general concepts like cover, cool down management/tracking, ult tracking. So many times I’ll have teammate (and enemy) DPS just running down main toward a JQ and Soldier and then die and complain about heals. They don’t seem to understand the concept of surviving. Other examples are of people not saving their escape ability to leave, but instead using their escape ability to engage (like Reaper, Moira, etc)

My hypothesis: These plat players are generally newer and pretty sound mechanically but have no idea of the simple basic concepts of OW, while gold players aren’t as good mechanically but have been playing the game for years and understand its concepts better.

Anyone agree or disagree? Also, is this relatable on PC?