I’m usually a joystick+gyro user and wanted to try out trackpad for a week. I can understand how powerful it is, because it IS far more accurate than a stick, but then there’s moments where I’m tracking an enemy moving across the side of my screen and I gotta stop and reorient in the middle of that interaction. It’s not a flick instance, but a gradual turnaround tracking issue.

Is the edge spin thing the way to go here?

  • DoubleJumpPunchB
    10 个月前

    I crank my horizontal sensitivity relatively high, such that a complete edge-to-edge swipe does a full 360 turn. You can’t set horizontal sens directly, so I increase the general sensitivity, then reduce the vertical scale; 40% seems to be my sweet spot. This complements gyro nicely, since looking up/down feels more natural with gyro, while turning left/right feels better with the trackpad. It’s similar to how Flick Stick works, but what’s great about this trackpad scheme is you still retain enough vertical control to look up/down or recenter without gyro. The rare times I hit the edge, I just quickly move my thumb back a bit. I don’t rely on trackball mode or edge spin.

    I posted a detailed YouTube video explaining all my settings, along with other tips.