I swear this guy loves hearing himself talk, and will spend 5 minutes talking about the smallest of things in what he thinks is super flowery language, to the point that he straight up misses important stuff. Usually when a caster is elaborating on something, they will stop and react when something exciting happens, but not Azael.

In game 3 vs LNG, Zeus locks in his signature Jayce, but Azael doesn’t react and insists on talking about Milio, when it’s just plain obvious that Milio’s a counter to Renata. He goes on and on about what Milio brings to a team fight yadda yadda, but in the end it’s not that deep. A different caster literally has to point out the pick, but after that Azael has no reaction.

In game 3 vs BLG, TheShy locks in the first Graves of the tournament top, and yet Azael does not react and keeps talking about poppy top, to the point where he doesn’t even see the pick or that graves is going top. He even deflects when it’s pointed out, “there’s still time to switch”. No, there’s no need to defend yourself, just admit to yourself you wasted time talking about a moot point or properly adjust. He doesn’t talk about graves top at all.

It’s so frustrating when other casters have a way better balance of “analyzing” and casting, and Azael’s constant tirades end up so distracting and painful. He has an “elaborative” style of talking that just takes way too long. And I primarily watch LCK, so I’m used to long rambling, but to Azael’s level, it’s just infuriating.