Hello everyone, I’m here today to ask for your assistance. Rn I have an issue. I wanted to setup Passbolt so I could move away from dashlane due to a ram leak they refuse to fix, not to mention I would like to not send all my password information off to a third party and not have to pay a monthly fee just to be able to use it on more than 1 device. Problem is it requires a mail server in order to send out confirmation emails for account creation etc. Now I previously had a mail server up and running but in an effort to reduce my attack surface to prevent any future incidents I have moved my setup to cloudflared tunnels so I don’t have to port forward giving more attack surface among solving some other issues. Unfortunately this breaks my mail server and a few other key containers due to them having multiple ports among other problems.

So I’m here for advice from those who are far smarter and more experienced. How can I forward the traffic required for a mail server or a service with multiple required ports through a tunnel? So far I require this for poste and wuzah but I haven’t gotten through my entire stack so there may be more I need this for.

I have already started the process of moving my Nginx Proxy Manager to docker network br0 to assign it’s own ip address. I did this in the hopes I could listen on ports other than 80 and 443 without taking up those port allocations as other services obviously need them. I then used && docker network connect br0 containername as a post argument in the unraid docker config screen so anytime the container is started it will be added to the network so nginx can communicate with it. Note I have already enabled communication between host and custom networks but it doesn’t seem to be working as intended, so I am using this method along with using container hostnames to route inside nginx since the internal ips change.

So far this is as far as I have gotten as I had been awake for over 28 hours at that point and I passed out, I still haven’t quite recovered so likely going back to sleep but figured I could make a post and hopefully come back to a plethora of solutions to try. Please help me.