If you have been watching every game, you know that KD is playing like the phenomenon he is. It’s ABSURD reading some of the takes on R/NBA social media in general. People that have probably never touched a basketball seem to be the most opinionated.

Booker is our Michael Jordan. I can’t fathom how badly we would have clowned LA if Lebron wasn’t there.

Well guess what. Our “MJ” wasn’t there to go up against Lebron.

It’s very easy to forget this aspect with how great KD has been doing. Especially with smooth ass Beal at his side. In my opinion what we have seen from the Suns has been Golden. Even the messy bits excite me, because you can’t learn unless you make mistakes. The most dangerous facet of the team is about to get added and holy moly I feel like the basketball world isn’t ready. Maybe I’m naive but I’ve played ball my entire life and I am damn good at predictions. Booker gonna FUCK shit up.

If I see “KD can’t win with these cats” one more time. Imma ape shit. Show em BOOK! Show em all!

  • BballopinionB
    10 months ago

    This post seems condescending towards KD. He’s a top 15 player of all time. He’s also at least as good as Book.