So for a little context, I am in gold 2 right now, highest I’ve ever been is gold 1 with 15 rp until ranking into plat, and I have a duo q that has the same rank as me but is about 20 rp behind. We are both decent players, we know maps, strats, and have decent mechanical skill. Most people that we play with say we play at about a plat level. Up until recently, we’ve been winning all of our matches fairly easy until we got to gold 1, then we started a 7-8 game losing streak. I never really thought too much about checking peoples ranks because nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until we lost 3 games in a row 4-1. The next game I checked the ranks of our teammates and the enemy team, and me and my duo were the highest rank on our team, with our teammates being silvers and a bronze. Meanwhile the enemy team was all plats with one gold and a bronze. I kept checking for our next few games and it was all the same kind of thing, our team was low ranked players while the enemy team was higher ranks with a few that were our level. I get that they implemented the new system so that people could play with their friends no matter the rank and it would average out, but at this point that’s all I’ve been playing against is people boosting other players and my team isn’t a high enough level to stand a chance. I’m a decent player but my mechanical skills aren’t good enough to carry against a team of emeralds and plats and I’ve been ranking down fast, I’m already about to rank down again to gold 3. And to add insult to injury, one of the matches we have managed to win was apparently because we had a cheater on our team, so those rp got taken away from us. I’m just sick of getting put up against people better than us without a fighting chance, I almost want to find someone to help boost me out of gold so I can hopefully play with teammates that are closer to my level, but then I’m just gonna be doing the same thing to somebody else, I wish they put more focus on fixing the matchmaking instead of commendations and less important stuff like that