Hi everybody,

I’m a solo tech consultant, focusing on 2 - 3 software products and working usually with the sales / marketing departments (or CEO if the customer is a small company). I do workshops, project management and sometimes development.

In order to explain processes, customization and options of the software, I often record videos and send them to my customers.
Since my day only has 24h, I’m wondering how I can help more business to use software and processes in an optimized way and still provide help on an individual level.

I’m working with a handful for very small business (1 - 5 people, non-tech) and enterprises with several 1000 employees and those seem to be not the right target group.

But thosese business in the middle (10 - 100 people, a tech savvy person inside) those are keen on building up competence in house.

If they could send me questions / business problems / have discovery meeting with me, I work out solutions, demo those and record the process and upload those into a platform, that seems to be valuable for them.

Ideally, I imagine, it could be something like a membership youtube type of thing.
Basically like a online learning / solutions website where customers would pay a monthly retainer and get x hours / questions and all previously produced materials.
All customers would share the solutions produced for them.

Getting a custom tailored solution without sharing with other works like my standard projects - just book me per project.
Finding the solutions good, but not being able to implement those in house works again like my standard projects - just book me.

Probably not the greatest and newest idea - but maybe there is some demand.

Two questions:

  1. What do you think? How to improve?
  2. How to validate with a bigger audience? (For my 3 - 4 existing customers in the target group I’ve already asked, they seem to be interested)
  • mdex2kB
    10 months ago

    Why not build an MVP and test it out? If you see demand of your customers and you already have a lot of videos why not set up a member system and advertise it on your existing and former clients?