We have a slight delay on Telegram and possibly on all calls (WhatsApp, normal calls, etc.). The callers seen 1-2 seconds apart, which makes calls annoying. Anyone else have this?

    • Square-SingerB
      1 年前

      Just wanted to check this before continueing.

      I don’t have a FP5, but an FP4.

      Sadly, in my experience, bugs are very common on Fairphones. Even critical bugs (e.g. phone randomly freezes/reboots when you dare to use 5G) go unfixed for very long times.

      For example, the Ghost-Touches-Bug was in the phone from launch (October 2021) until August 2023. And when they “fixed” that, they did so by reducing the touch screen sensitivity, which caused the screen to be unresponsive for many people who didn’t have ghost touches at all.

      Also, the bugs are quite randomly distributed. So any time you post about a bug, there will be some people telling you that they don’t have a bug, and if they are fanboy enough, they’ll tell you that you are dumb for experiencing bugs.