Hey all,

So, I have a coax internet connection, but the modem is really shitty, and is locked out. So I got an arris modem but it has severe reliability problems, so did another of those docsis modems. So was looking into getting it “adapted/converted” to an Ethernet connection somehow with a box A (say) and bridge it to my R7800.

Is there something I can use? xfinity sometimes seems to be “remote-controlling” and messing up stuff (the remote-reboot etc from their app).

Please recommend a dumb, simple device that can just bridge coax to my modem. Basically, I want my R7800 (or any other device) to get IP from the ISP and then handle the network. 2.5Gigs for the ethernet port would be nice, but 1Gbps is okay too

  • cobra89@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Like the other commenter said, sounds like you have signal issues coming in. Can I ask what your line of thinking is for converting the coax to Ethernet? because I’m 99% certain whatever you’re thinking is not going to work. Are you trying to skip a run of coax you think is bad and you’re just going to run Ethernet instead?

    MOCA adapters run the Ethernet protocol over Coax. That is not going to work for what you want. Coax is capable of carrying a lot more raw signal than Ethernet is and you’re not going to be able to convert the raw DOCSIS signals to go over Ethernet.

    Remember Ethernet is limited to 100 meters and when added up many of the coax runs from the pole on the street to winding through all the walls of the house end up being longer than that. These are 2 different technologies and you just can’t expect to convert the raw DOCSIS signal coming from your ISP into something that will run over Ethernet.

    Your proper solution will be to check your signal levels coming into your modem and if they’re low you’re either going to need to try and remove any coax splitters anywhere between the line coming into your house and the modem and check the signal levels again. If that doesn’t fix it you’re unfortunately gonna have to have an Xfinity tech to come look at what’s going on. You’re paying for the service, demand that it works correctly. If your modem is dropping as much as you say it is they should be able to see it in the logs.

    Source: I work in the industry.